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Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day 5K Ridge Run ...I did it!!

Today's the day I've been training for. The Ridge Run in Chicago's Beverly neighborhood. Here's a picture of me at the start of the race. This was a wonderful experience. Not only did the run take me through one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in Chicago but everyone was so positive and encouraging. People lined their yards cheering the runners and walkers on. Some handed out water while others had the sprinklers hooked up for a cooling mist. There were homes that had upbeat music blasting. I loved this and sometimes felt more like dancing than running! Having been a bit of a slacker the last few weeks I was concerned at how well I'd be able to run. But there is something about the race environment that I did not expect. Having strangers cheer me on, and having so many others running with me kept my mind occupied and I was able to run for greater intervals than I had ever done during training. But there was someone who wasn't a stranger cheering me on. Suzanne, my friend and mentor mom from my MOPS group was outside her home, camera in hand. It was real encouraging to see a familiar face and hear my name. This came right when I needed it most. Here I am at the end of the race. You can't see it in this picture but "Go Mommy!" is written in sidewalk chalk on the street and that's right where Jeremy and the girls were waiting for me.
After the race there was a parade. We got to catch the end of it sitting on the curb.
Grace rode in the swing and she loved it. I thought her head was gonna bobble around so much that she wouldn't like it but she kept smiling, so we kept pushing.

There you have it. My race day. It was a very good experience and I'm very glad I did it.


Ron said...

Hi Mandy,
I'm so proud of you! Your description of the day and of the race was good. I felt like I was actually there. Keep up the good work!
Pastor Ron

rachelks said...

Your babies are sooooooo cute! And congrats on finishing your 5K! :) Jen and I are doing our second triathlon on August 3rd - I hated running the whole time we were training for the first one, but I've really been enjoying it this time around.