Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Gracie, you tiger now!

Uncle Chris and Aunt Angie gave this tiger mask to Sylvie when she was about 7 months old and it has provided hours of entertainment. Sylvie loves to put it on and roar and has even started saying "Tiger!" Now we put it on Grace who can't yank it off so we get a whole lot more pictures and laughs.

On the baby front:
If I've talked with you at all lately I've probably shared that Grace has been very fussy in the afternoons and evenings. This has even started showing up at any time of day. A fussy baby is a new journey for us. If Sylvie fussed it was pretty easy to fix. She was either wet, tired, or hungry and quickly stopped crying. She was, and still is, a pretty easy going child. Grace, lovely that she is, is a little more difficult to please or figure out. However we had a breakthrough last night. Grace slept through the whole night! We napped together in the afternoon then I wore her in the sling between two feedings. I think this extra cuddle time really helped. She was still a little fussy in the evening but was easily calmed and then after eating a late meal around 10-10:30 she slept until 7 am! YIPPEE!!

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