Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Conversations with the Ocean and Standing on Her Own Two Feet
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Roll Call
Friday, September 12, 2008
11 September, 2008...Our Ninth Anniversary
Of course Sylvie wanted to ride the carousel. So we all hopped on. It was Grace's first time to sit on an animal and she really enjoyed it. She was doing the Squeal of Delight. We also took some time out for some ice cream. Sylvie enjoyed her Spongebob Squarepants ice cream to the max.
That was a full day at the zoo. Quite different than our first visit. We are so blessed to have our two littles. We took the girls home and our friends Chris and Jackie came over to watch them while Jeremy and I continued our date.
We got dressed up and headed to the Signature Room at the 95th Floor of the John Hancock building. This is where he proposed to me in March 1999. I don't typically like going to super fancy restaurants. Jeremy loves to do this. I always feel self concious and as if I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing. However, God had a lot of this planned and I was at ease about going here from the beginning. The restaurant is on the 95th floor, as the name says. It is a most beautiful view of the city. The best tables are on the outside ring next to the floor to ceiling windows. This is where we sat when we got engaged. I was quite excited to return here and was hoping for another chance to sit by the windows. Both of our levels of excitement grew as the waiter walked us to our seat. He took us to the same table we sat at when Jeremy proposed!!! Neither of us could believe it. What a special night. To bring our day full circle we couldn't help but laugh at the menu. On the Chef's Specials page was Sauteed Skate Wing. The same creature we had been petting at Stingray Bay was on the menu!! Jeremy was shocked. I thought it was delicious. ;-)
Thanks for reading about our special day. I will try to add more pictures later. I'm still learning this new software we have so the pictures I rotated didn't show up rotated when I went to upload them.
Wanna buy a condo?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
So, while in her cheerleader outfit we went to Fall on the Green. An annual festival down by the library. They had a special firefighter area for kids to go through. Sylvie got to wear a firefighter coat just her size and they gave her a hat to take home. There were stations to do the things a firefighter does. They even had a pole to slide down! It all looked very exciting but Sylvie didn't want to do any of it. She wore her coat and walked to each station but didn't want to try any of them. We did get her in the dino jump though. It took some coercing and convincing that if she didn't like it she could come right out. Yeah, guess who was the last one out.
Well, I'd better get some dishes done and my chilli put away. Tomorrow is our 9 year anniversary! WOW!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Potty Training Here We Come!
Now that we should just be in the 'maintaining the clean' mode and everyone is healthy I think we're going to focus some energy on getting Sylvie on the potty. She loves her special potty but doesn't seem to want to sit on it without her pants. She is showing all the other signs of being ready so Mom is just going to have to get over her own fears and be a little more agressive. I've printed out a reward chart and stickers. She loves stickers so hopefully this will provide greater motivation.
A note about Grace. She seems to be picking up a little sign language already. She's done 'finished' and 'bug'.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Grace Crawled Today
Monday, August 4, 2008
Grace is 8 months old.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
House Work
Sylvie zonked out in the boppy. She would play so hard then she would find a spot on the floor and go to sleep without us knowing.
Sylvie helped me clean the shower. It was a lot of scrubbing. I tore out the caulking and Dad put some new in. The shower looks so nice now.
Grace supervised and kept track of all our working hours on her abacus. She was actually quite busy that week. She started sitting up much more confidently and she poked some teeth in too. For a total of 4 currently. She is quite the little roller. She loves to roll all over the place. Sometimes I think she's going to sit up but she just keeps on twisting until she's rolling again.
Friday, July 25, 2008
St. Louis, MO
Here we are at the base of the arch. Just having a good time before going up in the little pod. Boy, we did not know what we were in for. Poor Sylvie got so scared when those doors opened and we entered that little white room.
Here is Sylvie with her Mom Mom in the magic hour lighting provided by the arch.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
July?! When did July happen?
Sylvie and cousin Adam. They really did have a lot of fun together. All these pics are from Mother's day. We had everyone over to my parents for dinner. It was quite a good time even though it was pretty chilly. Sylvie loved being outside so much she didn't care.
Aunt Carmen with her three neices.
Granny and Great Grandpa with all their great grandkids. These were interesting to go pick out which one to show. There were many pictures taken of this and many were quite funny. I could even see the progression of distraction as the shoot goes on. I'm glad we have these. As I said before, these are just what I could get up now before I go to bed. A lot has happened since Mother's day. It's July already! We've gone to St. Louis...Sylvie and Grace had their first stay in a hotel, Grace had her first swim in a pool, and we all went to the Gateway arch. I'll get pics of that up soon enough. And now, Papa and Gigi are HERE. It's been so much fun and a lot of work. I'll get those pics up soon enough too...I hope.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day 5K Ridge Run ...I did it!!
After the race there was a parade. We got to catch the end of it sitting on the curb.
Grace rode in the swing and she loved it. I thought her head was gonna bobble around so much that she wouldn't like it but she kept smiling, so we kept pushing.
There you have it. My race day. It was a very good experience and I'm very glad I did it.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A Series of Firsts
First #1: Before we left for KS we noticed Gracie eyeing my peanutbutter and jelly sandwich. So, while at my parents we started her on cereal and she loves it. She often reaches out for the spoon to feed herself.
First #2: The day after we returned home Grace rolled over for the first time and we all missed it! I laid her on a blanket on the floor then went to check on Jeremy and Sylvie who were taking their Sunday afternoon nap. When I came back there she was on her tummy. She soon rolled back to her back. Mobile baby stage is on the way!
First #3: For 5 months we've been trying to figure out how to get the girls to sleep in the same room. This didn't initially seem like it was going to be a problem because Sylvie's always been pretty good at going to bed. She'd cry a little but would soon be asleep. However, adding a new sister is a big deal for a two year old and she has had trouble going and staying asleep since then. Last night Jeremy and I teamed up. He put Sylvie to bed, I put Grace to bed. Sylvie's usual crying began and we worried she's wake up her roommate but she didn't. When she came out of her room Sergeant Mommy took her right back. A few more minutes of crying and she was asleep. The best part is they BOTH slept the WHOLE night. I didn't hear a peep out of either of them until after 7 am. Let's hope we can keep this up and not make this first a last too.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
A Concert in our Living Room
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Hit The Pavement Again
So, today I got a surprise call from Focuscope. This is a company that runs focus groups and pays cash for your time and opinion. It's totally legitimate and they NEVER try to sell me anything. Anyhow, they invited me to a focus group tonight to talk about...CEREAL!! How fun! I love cereal! Before the group they gave me homework. I was supposed to take a picture of Sylvie eating her favorite cereal. Here are the pics. For the past several weeks Sylvie has been asking for Kix. When I go to take her picture she sees the box of Life which she hasn't seen in over a month and says "Oooohh, cereal!" again and again. So, Life is the favorite today. And there was no coaching for her to be so cute, she just is.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Christianna's Soccer Game
Monday, March 24, 2008
First Sentence
Friday, February 29, 2008
To be Two
Friday, February 22, 2008
I love...
Jeremy: I
Sylvie: I
J: love
S: love
J: you
S: mommy!!
What a fun surprise!!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Speed Racer
Friday, February 8, 2008
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Getting to Know Grace
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Fun With Sylvie
In the above picture Sylvie is helping do the dishes. We had a great evening. She helped make the cornbread for dinner, pouring the mix and the milk into the bowl and stirring it all around. Then she helped wash the dishes. She particularly enjoyed rinsing one cup again and again. Any Chapman reading this will recognize her "Mom Mom Tongue". It was out in full force wiggling around as she concentrated on those dishes.
While waiting for the cornbread to cook Sylvie and Jeremy had a dance. We thought it was so sweet how she put her hand on his shoulder.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Baby It's Cold Outside
Busy busy day.
The weatherman said the high would be 7 today. So we decided to stay in. Sylvie wanted to spend the whole day in her jammies but not the ones she slept in. When we went to get her dressed she wanted to trade her Care Bear pajamas for her Dora pajamas. Then she insisted on wearing her Dora sweatshirt under her pajamas. We've been rearranging our living space so we were able to get a lot done. Our living room is now where the dining room used to be. The dining table is now where the couch used to be. And Sylvie's corner of toys has been moved directly across from where it was. We will soon be moving the computer desk from the old dining room to where the toys used to be. We were able to get some shelves to organize all the toys. Sylvie enjoyed helping Jeremy put the shelves together while Grace and I supervised from the couch. It seems like a really crazy time to be turning our house upside down but we both needed a change. And this gives us a chance to get rid of some unused/unneeded stuff. Which is always a selling point for me! ;-)
Being trapped inside on a cold Chicago winter day also gives Jeremy the chance to take a lot of pictures. And he loves taking pictures of the girls. Here are just a couple of what he was able to get yesterday and today.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Gracie, you tiger now!
Uncle Chris and Aunt Angie gave this tiger mask to Sylvie when she was about 7 months old and it has provided hours of entertainment. Sylvie loves to put it on and roar and has even started saying "Tiger!" Now we put it on Grace who can't yank it off so we get a whole lot more pictures and laughs.
On the baby front:
If I've talked with you at all lately I've probably shared that Grace has been very fussy in the afternoons and evenings. This has even started showing up at any time of day. A fussy baby is a new journey for us. If Sylvie fussed it was pretty easy to fix. She was either wet, tired, or hungry and quickly stopped crying. She was, and still is, a pretty easy going child. Grace, lovely that she is, is a little more difficult to please or figure out. However we had a breakthrough last night. Grace slept through the whole night! We napped together in the afternoon then I wore her in the sling between two feedings. I think this extra cuddle time really helped. She was still a little fussy in the evening but was easily calmed and then after eating a late meal around 10-10:30 she slept until 7 am! YIPPEE!!